After been accepted as an official style within the Flemish Ju-Jitsu Federation (VJJF) just a few months ago, Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu was invited to be present for the first time at a Multi Style Seminar VJJF.
The Seminar was held at the “Provinciaal Vormingscentrum” in Malle, Belgium.
More than 120 children en over 60 adults were taught the ins-and-outs of our Seishinkai System.
Many students and Sensei were pleasantly suprised by the completeness of Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu.
Not only techniques-flows were demonstrated but also the reasons and bio-mechanics behind the different Ju-Jitsu techniques.
Afterwards, many participants complimented Tony van Venrooy Shihan and David van der Schoepen Sensei for their teachings and even wanted to know more ……