One of our biggest goals is to educate.
Not only on the Japanese way of thinking, but of course, also about (Seishinkai) Ju-Jitsu.
Our Vice-President, Mr. Rob Coolen from the Netherlands has published several instructional books.
In Dutch, but also in English.
Within some of those books there QR-codes that re-direct the reader to a private You-Tube Channel where you can see more explanation about the techniques within Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu.
Click on the links for more information.
Treasurer & Administration
Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu International
Johann Straussstraat 10
5144 TB Waalwijk
the Netherlands
email: admin@sjji.orgSJJI Upcoming Events
- International Seminar in Belgium op 12 april 2025 10:00
- Black Belt Examinations op 28 juni 2025 10:00
Affiliated with
All Japan Ju-Jitsu Federation
Japan Martial Arts Games Association
Japan Olympic Committee