We welcome Dojo (道場), Sensei (先生 ), as well as individual students (学生) to join our “Kizuna” (絆), “Family by Heart”.
We also want to welcome you into a Family bound by Japanese Budo, the Western Style of Ju-Jitsu and a complete system of Self-Defense.
The Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu Syllabus and the way of presenting/teaching this system is being embraced by more and more Federations, countries and Dojo.
If you want to become a member and/or want more information, please send us an e-mail

We offer new Sensei and Dojo not only the opportunity to be part of a real Japanese Organization that promotes Modern Ju-jitsu an Self-Defense, but also access to a wide database/library of Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu techniques.
We also offer support to ideas and initiatives that countries, Dojo and Sensei have. That is why we supported the initiative by our Brasilian Section to start up a special section, Para Ju-Jitsu.
Seishinkai is NOT a Certificate Selling Federation !
We reward our Members for the work, effort and initiatives for making the “Kizuna” (Family by Heart) grow more stronger.