Our Associated Director for Brasil, Cleverson Fidelis Sensei won GOLD in the Open North-East Brasilian Judo Championship.
Our Associated Director for Brasil, Cleverson Fidelis Sensei won GOLD in the Open North-East Brasilian Judo Championship.
At the All-Russian Sambo Tournament of the South and the Northern Caucasus the Seishinkai Team which was coached by our Associated Director for Russia Mr. Nikolai Ivanov Sensei, took 3rd Place.
Russian Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu Sensei Natalia Lipina won Gold at the All-Russian Jiu-Jitsu tournament in Perm, Russia.
Because more and more countries are joining we are setting up different country-sections which are managed by National Associated Directors.
At this moment there are Associated Directors for Japan, Belgium, Russia, Brasil, Croatia, Italy and the Netherlands. If you are well connected, a Ju-Jitsu enthousiast, a perfectionist and are able to motivate Ju-Jitsu Dojo, Sensei and Students to join Seishinkai International, please send a mail to info@sjji.org
We can provide you with your own SJJI Associated Director E-mailadres, certificate, letter of appointement, ect, ect …
More and More Sensei and Countries are joining Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu International (SJJI).
Despite the Corona pandemic we received may applications for SJJI membership.
These last few months alone respected and highly skilled Sensei from Malaysia, Brasil, Guernsey and the United States joined the Seishinkai Family.
After been accepted as an official style within the Flemish Ju-Jitsu Federation (VJJF) just a few months ago, Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu was invited to be present for the first time at a Multi Style Seminar VJJF.
The Seminar was held at the “Provinciaal Vormingscentrum” in Malle, Belgium.
More than 120 children en over 60 adults were taught the ins-and-outs of our Seishinkai System.
Many students and Sensei were pleasantly suprised by the completeness of Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu.
Not only techniques-flows were demonstrated but also the reasons and bio-mechanics behind the different Ju-Jitsu techniques.
Afterwards, many participants complimented Tony van Venrooy Shihan and David van der Schoepen Sensei for their teachings and even wanted to know more ……
Thursday 26-09-2019
Today we received great news from our Belgium friends.
The Flemmish Ju-Jitsu Federation has approved our application for Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu to be an official style within their organization.
Two years of hard work from the VJJF Technical Director and his Staff, our SJJI Associated Director, the VJJF Central Board, the SJJI Technical Board and many more, has resulted that the Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu requirements and our way of teaching were approved and recognized.
In the proces of this approval several Seminars were also given in Belgium.
Seminars where several high-ranking SJJI teachers and members were also present and where the Flemmish Ju-Jitsu Federation Technical Board could experience the strength of the SJJI syllabus and our way of teaching, studying and enjoying the beautifull Art of Ju-Jitsu.
We are realy greatfull toward the VJJF and see this as a milestone for our organization, but above all we see this recognition a that our “Kizuna” can do great things in making our Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu System grow bigger and bigger.
On Saturday 14-09-2019 a great Technical Seminar was held by SJJI in Waalwijk, the Netherlands.
A enthusiastic group of Ju-Jitsuka’s from the Netherlands and Belgium participated in this 3 hour technical seminar with great joy.
The first block of two themes were given by Remko Dijkman Sensei (5th Dan SJJI);
Theme #2 : Hodoki-waza ( Liberation techniques )
Theme #4 : Nage-waza ( Throwing techniques )
Remko Sensei showed the ins and outs of the possibilities you have from various positions where you have been grabbed ( hold down ). This was combined with throws and sacrifice throws from a position where you were grabbed.
It was very nice to see/learn/experience how many possibilities there are from one situation.
The second part of the seminar was given by Tony van Venrooy Shihan (8th Dan SJJI);
Theme #7 : Renraku-waza ( indirect combinations )
Theme #8 ; Kaeshi-waza ( Take overs )
Tony Sensei started with the take overs and taught us about right moment to take over a technique.
To do this at the right moment you have to know the ins and outs of a technique.
If you know the technique you’re “opponent” is trying/going to use and you recognize it you can feel the right moment to take it over.
This was a very technical part of the seminar and opened many minds on how to train techniques in a more efficient way. After this part we continued with indirect combinations which are very related to take overs and vice versa. The first part of this block, take overs, helped very much in making your indirect combinations in the right way / time and most efficiently.
Keep checking out our website and also our Facebook page for the next technical seminar.
So you can be a part of this great experience.
If you want to know more about Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu, register a Dojo with SJJI, our work together with us, please send us an email.
After the Summer Holidays, in September, SJJI will start another Instructor Course for Yudansha who want to become a Licensed A Teacher.
This course is to be held in the south part of the Netherlands, in Heerlen to be exactly and consists of 6 Days of classes and training and 2 days of exams.
The SJJI Board, after approvement of Honorary President Soke Sadatomo Harada, appointed Sensei Remko Dijkman (5th Dan Seishinkai) to be member of the SJJI Technical Board.
Dijkman Sensei has been a Seishinkai Member and SJJI Black Belt Examiner for many years and his contribution to the development of the Technical Level of Ju-Jitsu has not gone unnoticed.
One of the tasks of the SJJI Technical is to check and update the Technical Syllabus and also the text of Seishinkai Kata #1, the E-Bo-no-Kata.
We welcome Sensei Dijkman and are happy that we can learn and profit from his vast knowledge of Ju-Jitsu (5the Dan), Judo (5th Dan) and Self-Defense (Police Intructor).
On Saturday June 8th, six Dutch candidates did their Shodan-Shiken” (Black-Belt Test) in Waalwijk the Netherlands.
The Day started with a small lunch together with the Judges where they were briefed by SJJI vice-President Rob Coolen (7th Dan).
Like always the Technical Board invited Judges who are ofcourse highly skilled and experienced Ju Jitsuka of different Ju-Jitsu organizations:
Rinus Tegelaar (7th Dan), Jan Noordijk (5th Dan), Remco Dijkman (5th Dan) and Marcel van Drunen (4th Dan).
Also monitoring these “Shodan-Shiken” was the Belgium SJJI Associated Director, Mr. David van der Schoepen and he also was impressed by the candidates and their level of Ju-Jitsu.
With six candidates entering these exams there was a big crowd of people who wanted to see and support the candidates.
According to the Judges all the exams where on a high level. Which made it fun and interesting to watch for everybody. After almost 4 hours of exams the judges where pleased to announce that all six candidates passed their exams.
Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu International congratulates these Dutch candidates below with passing their Black-Belts Test.
2nd Dan: Eva de Keijzer
2nd Dan: Blanche Mannens
2nd Dan: Gjalt Walda
1st Dan: Rinus Bergenhenegouwen
1st Dan: Eline Coolen
1st Dan: Michael van Oostrum
At the E-Bo-no-Kata World Championship 2018 which was held on April 21st in Sint Willebrord, the Netherlands, Erik Willems (4th Dan) received the Seishinkai Bushido Cup.
Erik was Uke for 2 of his students. Both did very well, Clay Visser (1st Kyu) and Rick Rombouts (3rd Dan) took silver and gold in their class.
However, a couple of days before the tournament, Erik had a training with the Police Departement and got injured when a Police Officer fell on top of him. The Officer’s flashlight bruised two of Erik’s ribs.
Despite the serious pain he went on and led his students to victory.
Not only displayed Erik tremendous willpower by stepping on the Tatami, but he showed his students the Respect and Budo-discipline which is also very important.
The Technical Board, together with all the Kata Judges and Japan Staff, unanimous decided to award Sensei Erik Willems this year’s Seishinkai Bushido Cup.
On Tuesday 3rd of April Sensei Remko Dijkman will start teaching Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu at the Edudelta College in Goes, the Netherlands.
Sensei is an highly skilled Martial Artist. He holds the ranks of 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu, 5th Dan Judo, but also had training-experience in Kempo, Aikido and Kickboxing.
He works as an Inspector with the Dutch National Police.
Sensei Remko Dijkman is trained as a National Black-Belt Examinor for Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu International, but also is an licensed Kata Judge for E-Bo-no-Kata and Ne-waza-Jitsu-no-Kata.
On behave of Soke Sadatomo Harada, the International Board and the Japan Staff we want to wish Sensei Dijkman lots of success and lots of Fun.