The official Seishinkai Ju-Jitsu International (SJJI) System consists of Mudansha (Kyu-Level) and Yudansha (Black Belt) Requirements up to 6th Dan.
The requirement for 6th Dan (六段) are specially and individually constructed to fullfill the need of the Ju-Jitsuka and SJJI.
All of our requirements are checked by, demonstrated to and eventually approved by the All Japan Ju-Jitsu Federation.
If countries and/or Dojo have Kata different please send us more information for validation.
Our “Shodan-Shiken” (Black Belt Examinations) consists of demonstrating 12 different themes, devided in 3 blocks, being;

A1 | E-Bo-no-Kata | Seishinkai Kata #1 |
A2 | Ne-waza-Jitsu-no-Kata | Seishinkai Kata #2 |
A3 | Goshin-Jitsu-no-Kata | Seishinkai Kata #3 |
A4 | Kime-no-Kata | Seishinkai Kata #4 |
A5 | Go-no-Kata | Seishinkai Kata #5 |
B1 | Own Assignement | for 3rd Dan and up |
B2 | Hodoki-, Uke- and Atemi-waza | |
B3 | Multiplicity System | |
B4 | Stand-up Defense Techniques | |
B5 | Ne-waza Defense Techniques | Groundtechniques |
B6 | Sen-sen-no-Sen | Attackcombinations |
B7 | Renraku-waza | Indirect Combinations |
B8 | Keashi-waza | Takeovers |
B9 | Transporting Techniques and Helping | |
C10 | Defending against 1 unarmed attacker | |
C11 | Defending against 1 armed attacker | |
C12 | Defending against 2 (un)armed attackers. |
You can find out more about the individual techniques by clicking on the link below.